We are all currently in confinement thanks to the corona virus, we therefore dream of large space and for surfers, we dream of surf and sun.
Or are we going to go surfing after this episode of confinement? that’s the big question.
There are multitudes of spots around the world but it will all depend on your budget and the time you have available.

We, the Paradise Tenerife team, offer you the Canaries, because this archipelago of 7 islands off the coast of Morocco offers us waves and a spring climate all year round, at a reasonable budget.
Its exposure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean offers it the perfect exposure to receive swell all year round. There are spots almost on all the islands, and you can easily go from one island to another, by boat with your car, or by plane.

Let’s start this surf trip with Tenerife, because it offers you the most variety. It is the most populated island in the Canaries and it breaks down into two main areas, the northern and southern areas.
Let’s start by saying that the Canaries are volcanic islands and therefore, it will often be waves of rocks.
There are waves every day but you have to find the right spot. The swell is often larger and more regular in the north of the island, in Bajamar, punta del hidalgo or la caleta. The launching is more technical and the northern spots therefore require a good level and a good physical condition.
There is also often current so the north area is reserved for good surfers.
It’s also often a wave of big waves, so watch the forecast.
The southern zone offers several spots like las americas, las galetas, alcala or El medano. There are a lot of surf schools and the places are expensive, especially in the Americas where there are all the schools.

The highlight of the Americas is that there are several waves for all levels, which offers a choice.
The waves are good and the spot hosts international competitions. The spot offers beautiful straight lines as well as very beautiful lefts. There is something for everyone, depending on your level.
El medano is a large bay offering natural sand, which is rare in the area. It is a longboard spot because the waves are often soft and smaller.
These are wind waves, so often very choppy. It is more of a beginner and intermediate spot because it is very safe with sand. The waves are small, ideal for schools. It is a famous spot for windsurfing and kite. There is therefore a specific surf area.

All surf stores will offer you a map of the island with all the spots on the island listed. Travel is fast between the spots because the roads are beautiful.
La palma
The island of la palma, nicknamed the isla bonita, is an island dedicated to hiking and cycling. It is very green but reassure you, it offers 3 surf spots, next to puerto naos, a los guires and novales and a spot in the north east of the island. You can surf there if you are passing through but it is not the idyllic destination for surfing because there are few spots.
La goméra and el hierro
These two very wild islands are perfect for hiking and cycling but are not of interest for surfing. The rating does not provide access to surfable waves. So in summary, these are not surf destination islands.

We completely change scenery and we arrive in desert landscapes. It feels like the far west, with multitudes of dirt roads that start from everywhere.
There are surf spots all around the island, everything will depend on the direction of the swell and the strength of the wind.
Fuerteventura being an island known for the wind, the different spots are often exposed to the wind. In the south, towards Costa Calma, there is the spot of the pared, often windy but benefiting from a superb decor. They are waves of sand. This spot welcomes many schools because it has several small bays ideal for learning.

In general, the surf spots are located in the north of the island, between cojalerro and cotillo, in the far north of the island.
There are a multitude of them, depending on the direction of the swell and the wind.
The setting is very wild and the spots are often accessible with dirt roads.
There are multitudes of surf schools, which will guide you on the best spots depending on the conditions.
You can also rent equipment on the various spots as well as easily find accommodation.
There are many spots on this island, in surf, paddle, kite, wing, there is something for all tastes and for all levels, from beginners to experts.

It’s the top surf destination in the Canary Islands, the hawaii of Europe. It offers a wide variety of spots, from beginners on waves of sand and beautiful tubes on lava rocks. Wide variety of waves for all levels, from beginners to experts.
Let’s start with the village of Famara, a very typical unique village with its sandy roads. This is the place where there are almost all the schools, around twenty, the number has exploded in a few years. It is a large sandy bay surrounded by cliffs, a magical place, ideal for beginners and intermediates. This spot is often winded in north, north east but the waves are ideal and long when the wind is calm. A good value and a good atmosphere in the water.
Not far away, you have the Santa, a spot very well known only to experts, very fast waves which tube on rock. Already less fun atmosphere because a lot of people in the water and the big level.

La Caleta Caballo, bay offering a good variety of reef breaks.
The best known spot being quemao, very powerful waves, right and left, expert only.
Almost all of Lanzarote’s surf spots can be found in the northwest part of the island.
It can be surfed all year round in the Canaries, but the ideal period is from September.
If you want more details on the different spots, there are very precise maps on each island, with each spot listed.

The Canaries are a cocktail of good surf spots, sun spots, accommodation and inexpensive restaurants. Ideal for those on a budget, and all year round. So do not hesitate, book !!!
The Paradise tenerife team will welcome you as a beginner surf instructor in Tenerife, usually at the El medano spot. The team also offers several other activities, visit our site for more information.
Good ride to all and see you soon.